I've had a great weekend - this is just some pictures from the last two days ;-)
NÅNÅ, Homecoming i Jamestown er sgu noget af en big deal. Det handler mest om at fejre at man er kommet tilbage i skole efter sommerferien. Hele ugen har folk klædt sig ud på skolen (school-spirit-week) og fredag aften var det så vores skoles tur til den store homecoming fodbold kamp- og vi taler jo selvfølgelig amerikansk fodbold! Anyways, jeg må sige at det har været noget af en oplevelse. God oplevelse!
So for all those who don't get my danish talking:
The first time someone asked me: "Are you excited about homecoming?" I didn't know what to answer, simply 'cause I didn't know what it was. Apparently homecoming is a big deal here in United States. The party Saturday night is like a prom, but less formal and for the whole school. In the spirit week leading up to the weekend, you dress out. Each day as something different - friday in the school colors red and green.
So for all those who don't get my danish talking:
The first time someone asked me: "Are you excited about homecoming?" I didn't know what to answer, simply 'cause I didn't know what it was. Apparently homecoming is a big deal here in United States. The party Saturday night is like a prom, but less formal and for the whole school. In the spirit week leading up to the weekend, you dress out. Each day as something different - friday in the school colors red and green.
Friday night at the game.
My first homecoming game ever - and we won 40-13.
Everybody dressed in RED and GREEN.
Saturday night - the homecoming dance.
Shaquille and me before the dance.
At the dance.
On the dance floor!
Thanks for a great night! ;-)